- Scala 2.11.0 is now available!
- Scala 2.11 Has Arrived!
- sqltyped 0.4.0
- Release version 1.0.8 · skinny-framework/skinny-framework · GitHub
- Finatra 1.5.3 Released
- Using Puppet to Automate Google Compute Engine
- No IaaS? No Problem.
- PeopleFun chooses Google App Engine to offload infrastructure tasks and build games people love to play
- Butter Knife
- Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
- Security Tips | Android Developers
- Scheduling Repeated Tasks in Android
- Heartbleed disclosure timeline: who knew what and when
- Please Put OpenSSL Out of Its Misery
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- Results of the GitHub Investigation · GitHub
- This is why Microsoft won. And why they lost.
- Predicting happiness from demographics and poll answers
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Software development
- Code as if everyone is the thief.
- huginn/ at master · cantino/huginn · GitHub
- Thoughts on The Reactive Manifesto
- Productive Developers are Smart and Lazy
- Don’t Learn to Code, Learn to Program - But Come Back in 10 Years
- How can I do This? With SQL of Course!
- I don’t know.
- A concrete approach to learning how to program
- Kernel 101 - Let’s write a Kernel - Arjun Sreedharan
- How rows_sent can be more than rows_examined?
- Please, Run That Calculation in Your RDBMS
- All you are is attitude
- Node.js beyond the basics
- angular/angular-seed · GitHub
- ng-boilerplate
- Definition of done
- Having an exploratory meeting? Ask how will the feature be tested
- Personal WIP limit directly impacts Cycle Time
- On concurrency and Idempotence: TDD just as production code should be thread safe
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- Test sizes | Google Testing Blog
- Is Java 8 the fastest JVM ever? Performance benchmarking of Fork-Join
- Sonatype questions Maven scores in follow-up to Java Build Tools report
- Java 7 vs. Java 8: Performance Benchmarking of Fork/Join
- Spring test with thymeleaf for views
- Validating JAX-RS resource data with Bean Validation in Java EE 7 and WildFly
- Lambda Expressions in Java 8
- Getting Mutants to test your Tests
- HOW-TO: Spring Boot and Thymeleaf with Maven
- Using the JVM Performance Counters
- How to manage Git Submodules with JGit