Sharing knowledge

by Oleg Atamanenko

Using AssertJ

AssertJ is a library which provides fluent strongly-typed assertions to use in unit tests. Example of assertions written with AssertJ: import; // ... within @Test User result = userDao.findByLogin("username"); assertThat(result). isNotNull(). isActive(). hasLogin("username"); As you can see assertions look much more readable. invites

If anyone needs invites to, text editor from github - ask me in comments. I do have 3 invites to share.

Scala for the Intrigued

This is a very nice series of posts about Scala by Venkat Subramaniam The Elegance of Scala Sensible Typing and Optional Items Cute Classes and Pure OO Functional Style of Programming Working with Collections Creating Higher Order Functions Pattern Matching XML as First Class Citizen Recursions and Tail Call Optimization Using Traits Chaining Traits Concurrency in Scala

Life fee

Found in sources: try { // do some business logic. } catch (Exception e) { errorBean.addError("System exception. Unable to locate life fee."); } This is just awesome!