Sharing knowledge

by Oleg Atamanenko

My Setup

Introduction This is a dump of different things and apps I use on a daily basis. Hope you will find it useful. Shell/Terminal Applications zsh — ZSH is a shell. It is very good alternative to bash which is used by default in most Linux distributions and in macOS.

How to add YAML support to go-restful

go-restful is a go package used for building REST-style web services. It is very powerful, but it supports JSON and XML out of the box only. Fortunately, go-restful allows to register custom serialization schemes. To do so, it provides a handy interface EntityReaderWriter, which contains only two methods:

Pocket is down

Hi. Pocket is down so it means there is no reading list for today. Everyone have a nice day.

Using Unitils ReflectionAssert

Often it is needed to compare two different instances of the class inside test. I.e. we save object into database, then fetch it back from db and we want to be sure if nothing was lost during saving/reading. In order to make such assertions more easier and maintainable one can use great Unitils library which has useful class ReflectionAssert