Oleg Atamanenko

thoughts about programming

Using AssertJ

AssertJ is a library which provides fluent strongly-typed assertions to use in unit tests.

Example of assertions written with AssertJ:

import io.github.uthark.blog.assertj.Assertions.assertThat;

// ... within @Test
User result = userDao.findByLogin("username");

As you can see assertions look much more readable. The integration of assertj into Maven project is very easy:

  1. Update pom.xml in parent module



  1. Update pom.xml in child module
                <!-- you can define collection packages: -->

                <!-- Or specify classes one by one. -->

After this changes it is possible to generate assertions for the classes you want test:

mvn assertj:generate-assertions

By default, assertj will generate assertion classes in target/generated-test-sources/assertj-assertions/, it is possible to override this behaviour by passing configuration element targetDir to plugin.

Additional documentation for Maven plugin can be found here

Happy hacking!