Oleg Atamanenko

thoughts about programming

Reading List 2014-April-09


  1. Security Release of omnibus-gitlab due to CVE-2014-0160 (‘Heartbleed’)
  2. Heartbleed Security Bug: Update for Puppet Users
  3. Dealing with OpenSSL bug CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed)
  4. Secure DevOps - Seems Simple


  1. Hibernate ORM 4.2.12.Final Released
  2. Akka 2.3.2 Released!
  3. New book: EJB 3 in Action, Second Edition


  1. Scala Style Guide — Scala Style Guide v1.3.1 documentation


  1. DynDNS: Why We Decided To Stop Offering Free Accounts
  2. Yahoo breaks every mailing list in the world including the IETF’s
  3. The Prototype of Future Knowledge Workers

Software development

  1. Software Estimation: How Misperceptions Mean We Almost Always Get It Wrong
  2. Performance Tuning On Android — The Venmo Blog
  3. Spring Test Context Caching + AspectJ @Transactional + Ehcache pain
  4. Liferay: Searching entities through custom attribute value.
  5. Services, Microservices, Nanoservices… oh my!

In russian

  1. Главы | Отходы

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me on Twitter.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Last update:

Categories: #reading list

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