Oleg Atamanenko

thoughts about programming

Reading List 2014-March-19

I would like to conratulate everyone with Java 8 release.

Java 8 announces

  1. JDK 8: General Availability
  2. Java 8 officially arrives at last
  3. Go Reactive with Java 8
  4. Java 8, now what?
  5. JDK 8 Is Released! (The Java Tutorials Blog)
  6. Java 8 is now released! ~ Java EE Support Patterns
  7. Create the Future with Java 8 (The Java Source)
  8. Java SE Embedded 8 is Now Available (The Java Source)
  9. [#JDK-8036100] Default method returns true for a while, and then returns false
  10. java.util.Comparator::thenComparing has unnecessary type restriction


  1. First Impressions of iOS 7 for Keyboard Power Users
  2. Command-Tab on your iPad
  3. How to increase reading speed with or without apps/extensions?

Software Development

  1. Tips-and-Tricks: Command-Line Access to Google Cloud Platform using Google Cloud SDK
  2. Dynamic Code Injection for Good
  3. Littlest database that could
  4. Switching tasks
  5. Fluent Interface for More Readable Code
  6. Use Statements and Code Readability
  7. Redis Publish Subscribe and Long Polling with Spring’s DeferredResult
  8. In depth: Pebble OAuth configuration using Node.js
  9. Oracle GoldenGate: Coordinated Apply
  10. The Trap You Set For Yourself
  11. Ego depletion
  12. The GitHub Debacle and Why Holacracy is Bullshit


  1. AWS SDK for Java Maven Archetype
  2. Route 53 and CloudTrail Checks for the AWS Trusted Advisor


  1. Hibernate ORM 4.2.11.Final Released
  2. spring-projects/spring-test-mvc-htmlunit · GitHub
  3. Implementing a high performance Money class  
  4. Joy of Coding… and mutation testing in Java
  5. A CDI 2 Wish List (The Aquarium)
  6. Parameterised tests for JUnit
  7. HTTP Session Failover in WildFly 8 · WildFly


  1. Android Wear Developer Preview Now Available
  2. Sharing what’s up our sleeve
  3. Google’s seriously cool new Android radial menu design revealed


  1. Akka Toolkit 2.3 released


  1. Angular 2.0
  2. SpringOne2GX Replay: AngularJS, Backbone.js and Client-Centric Design
  3. Complexity Creeps: Why I’m Concerned for the Future of Angular.js 17 March 2014

In russian

  1. Загадка топ-антитоп асимметрии на Тэватроне, похоже, исчезла
  2. Американец, осмелившийся обосновать действия Путина

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me on Twitter.

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Last update:

Categories: #reading list

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