Oleg Atamanenko

thoughts about programming

Reading List 2014-March-05

Reading list for today:


  1. Cheap Words
  2. 5-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus
  3. At the RSA Security Conference, Things Get Testy and Then They Get Awkward

Software development

  1. How to Eliminate Bugs Through High Cohesion
  2. Stupid Mistakes Devs Make, Part I: Taking App Messages at Face Value
  3. A beginner’s guide to Git feature branches
  4. How to Get a Job at Google
  5. Essential Characteristics of PaaS
  6. Which hypervisor? Why not all of them!
  7. Building Successful Web APIs
  8. TLS Triple Handshakes
  9. Don’t Get Lost in Agile Ceremonies
  10. Haskell Functions Take One Argument
  11. Dave Gilbert’s Weblog
  12. FPG, Eh?
  13. June Software Grows Audience and Revenue with Expansion to Android
  14. Don’t build the best REST API, build the best HTTP API. — John Sheehan
  15. Web Analytics Consulting: A Simple Framework For Smarter Decisions
  16. The “Four Hamiltons” Framework for Mitigating Faults in the Cloud: Avoid it, Mask it, Bound it, Fix it Fast
  17. Should You Be Squatting At Your Desk?
  18. API Versioning
  19. Versioning RESTful Services
  20. ZeroMQ: The Design of Messaging Middleware


  1. Akka 2.2.4 Maintenance Release – Blog
  2. Scalala - A numerical linear algebra library for Scala


  1. Spring Data Redis 1.2 GA Released
  2. Spring Boot 1.0.0.RC4 Available Now
  3. Red Hats announces JBoss BPM Suite 6 and JBoss BRMS 6
  4. Webinar Replay: Introduction to Apache Tomcat 8
  5. How to avoid ruining your world with lambdas in Java 8
  6. State of the Lambda: Libraries Edition
  7. Lambda examples and Effectively Final in Java 8
  8. How (Not) to Create a Permgen Leak
  9. Caching Best Practices
  10. Java Enterprise Software Versus What it Should Be
  11. Second milestone towards Hibernate Search 5: introducing MoreLikeThis Queries
  12. Recommendations for your portal-ext.properties
  13. Survey: Developers eager for Java 8
  14. Liferay Auto Complete List with Ajax
  15. An open source JVM Sampling Profiler
  16. Lessons Learned: ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and Connection Pooling
  17. Cassandra: tuning the JVM for read heavy workloads
  18. Top 10 MQ Series Interview Questions Answers - WebSphere and Active MQ

Frontent development

  1. Knockout.js 3.1 Released
  2. The JavaScript Alternatives
  3. Javascript without the this
  4. Node.js arrives for the JVM
  5. Why The Hell Would I Use Node.js? A Case-by-Case Introduction

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me on Twitter.

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Last update:

Categories: #reading list

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