Reading list for today:
- Cheap Words
- 5-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus
- At the RSA Security Conference, Things Get Testy and Then They Get Awkward
Software development
- How to Eliminate Bugs Through High Cohesion
- Stupid Mistakes Devs Make, Part I: Taking App Messages at Face Value
- A beginner’s guide to Git feature branches
- How to Get a Job at Google
- Essential Characteristics of PaaS
- Which hypervisor? Why not all of them!
- Building Successful Web APIs
- TLS Triple Handshakes
- Don’t Get Lost in Agile Ceremonies
- Haskell Functions Take One Argument
- Dave Gilbert’s Weblog
- FPG, Eh?
- June Software Grows Audience and Revenue with Expansion to Android
- Don’t build the best REST API, build the best HTTP API. — John Sheehan
- Web Analytics Consulting: A Simple Framework For Smarter Decisions
- The “Four Hamiltons” Framework for Mitigating Faults in the Cloud: Avoid it, Mask it, Bound it, Fix it Fast
- Should You Be Squatting At Your Desk?
- API Versioning
- Versioning RESTful Services
- ZeroMQ: The Design of Messaging Middleware
- Spring Data Redis 1.2 GA Released
- Spring Boot 1.0.0.RC4 Available Now
- Red Hats announces JBoss BPM Suite 6 and JBoss BRMS 6
- Webinar Replay: Introduction to Apache Tomcat 8
- How to avoid ruining your world with lambdas in Java 8
- State of the Lambda: Libraries Edition
- Lambda examples and Effectively Final in Java 8
- How (Not) to Create a Permgen Leak
- Caching Best Practices
- Java Enterprise Software Versus What it Should Be
- Second milestone towards Hibernate Search 5: introducing MoreLikeThis Queries
- Recommendations for your
- Survey: Developers eager for Java 8
- Liferay Auto Complete List with Ajax
- An open source JVM Sampling Profiler
- Lessons Learned: ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and Connection Pooling
- Cassandra: tuning the JVM for read heavy workloads
- Top 10 MQ Series Interview Questions Answers - WebSphere and Active MQ